Project 333 – The Rain Edit

I always knew the 333 would be a challenge, but this morning, for the first time, I felt I’d bitten off more than I could chew.

The last 6 weeks had been going relatively smoothly with my new (actually very old) sleek edited wardrobe, I’d reacquainted myself with a few old favourites which had been overlooked, and felt in control, until a sudden downturn in the weather yesterday, which went from spring-like showery to torrential in less than 24 hours.

Yesterday, over a mile from home, I was caught in what could charitably be described as tropical rain, but was in fact an absolute dousing, wearing my faithful brogues and blazer and wrestling with my brolly for cover.  By the time I was home, it could be said there were rats who had escaped sinking ships which looked less bedraggled than I. In fact, I fear my brogues might just about recover by Friday.

This morning, with no let-up in the weather, drastic measures were called for.

Firstly shoes… as my 333 edit contains mostly sandals and soft shoes, with my single wet-weather being the brogues (still soggy), I needed a second pair of sturdies (outside the edit).


Introducing a temporary addition the Russell & Bromley two-tone flats

Normally I’d wear the two-tone shoes with white jeans, but this certain wasn’t a white jean day (trust me I’m a splasher!).  So next up, a old pair of black leggings.

Finally, when faced with horizontal rain and gale force wind there is only one thing to call for, my trusty old (ancient) Burberry raincoat. I must confess, I don’t wear the raincoat often, as I’m less Holly Golightly and more like Frank Spencer, in spite of my best efforts.

Welcome back Mr Burberry, you’re not my most flattering friend, but you’re certainly one of the most practical

However, sometimes the practicality of a lightweight raincoat is all you need to face the day.

Today I may have failed miserably with Project 333, but I’ve reacquainted myself with an old friend which kept me warm and dry.

Now, has anyone seen summer?

Wet weather edit



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